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Blacklisted Page 5

  My voice came out a bit sultry, which was unavoidable. I was unbelievably attracted to him and suddenly very against leaving the room. He winked and pulled me towards the door, his fingers interlacing with mine. I shut the lights off and followed him out, closing the door behind us. I eyed the hallway, vaguely remembering the darkness until the elevator. He led me slowly, apparently trying to be careful knowing that I was in neck-breaker heels. He typed in a quick code to the elevator and pulled me in.

  Once we made it outside I sighed, taking a deep breath. I hadn't realized how much I missed the feeling of fresh air coursing through me. I made a mental note to make him take me out more often; but then realized that if we were starting this tonight I might not have much longer left with Michael after all. I frowned at this, realizing I would miss him, regardless of the way we ended up together.

  He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to a small parking lot to the left of the warehouse. I took a moment to take in my surroundings, knowing I wouldn't recognize anything. There were a few warehouses back here, and not much of anything else. No noticeable landscape, no distinct houses or street signs.

  My eyes widened a bit at the Black Mercedes SUV that awaited us. I turned towards him and glared, grabbing his arm.

  "You have THIS; yet you insisted on tossing me in the back of that dirty rapist van!?" I growled, tapping my foot. He laughed, shaking his head.

  "How many times am I going to apologize for everything, bambina?" he mumbled, pulling me into his arms. He placed soft kisses on my cheek, then my jaws, then gently touched his lips to mine.

  "I'm so sorry. But let's not forget you broke my nose," he winked, looking down at me.

  "Please—we're nowhere near even," I reminded him before stepping towards the passenger door, staring at him expectantly. He smirked and opened the door for me, shutting it once I was in.

  Within half an hour we were back into the city that I loved, my eyes roaming over the familiar buildings. A few more minutes passed and we were pulling up to the Blue Diamond Casino.

  "He OWNS this place? What the hell is he doing messing with little local shops!?" It infuriated me, how greedy could this bastard be?

  "This is his legal business. He has lots of employees to pay, and though it doesn't benefit him heavily, there's a lot of red tape. And it provides a nice place for the illegal gambling that they’re so fond of. Think about it, Brie. The guy looks great on paper—he provides a lot of money to the area, surrounding hotels, restaurants… he employs hundreds of people. He looks like a fucking staple of the community," he spit out. He pulled up in the back of the parking lot for a moment and looked at me.

  "Alright. I want you to know what's going to happen so you aren't scared.” He pulled a sheet of paper out of his pocket and what looked to be a set of hotel keys.

  “We are going to leave this in here. Genovese is here today. He will see you at some point, as well as myself. We're going to take the vehicle to the valet, meaning Genovese is going to have access to it. His men will find this hotel reservation, and these keys. It's going to give them a way to access us. This is just a test run, to see what he's willing to do. We'll be at the hotel, but not in that room. I've already set up cameras there too see who goes in. You're just here tonight so he can physically see you; to refuel his desires." I could sense a sad note to his tone.

  "What's wrong, Michael? I thought you'd be happy this was going so well." I frowned, sliding my fingers over his arm.

  "It was different before Brie. I planned all of this before I spent time with you, before you shared yourself with me. I don't want him to see you." The jealousy in his voice was overwhelming, and surprisingly endearing.

  I leaned over and pressed my lips to his slowly, reassuring him. He groaned against my lips and kissed me back with urgency. He pulled away and smiled a little before pulling off towards the casino.


  Once the valet took the SUV we made our way inside, my hand wrapped around his arm. The casino was beautiful, modern and incredibly busy. Michael pulled me towards the high-stakes table, earning an eyebrow raise from me.

  "I'm going to show you some of my other talents," he chuckled. We passed through a roped off area, after Michael spoke briefly with the guard. We approached a small table where a group of men were playing poker. He pulled a chair out for me, seating himself on my right side. This room was much smaller than the others, the chatter quiet, the clothing expensive. The crowd was older, the women young and glamorous. I had to assume these must be Genovese's favored guests.

  The first hour went through in an exciting blur; true to his word Michael was a very talented poker player. To my calculations he had already made $80,000. It helped that the minimum bid was $10,000 in this room. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a familiar face—no doubt one of Genovese's guys. I had seen him in more than one of the shops I had worked in. I tapped Michael's leg under the table, motioning towards the man.

  "Bingo," he whispered, before excusing us from the table with his winnings.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the main room, ushering me towards an aisle of slot machines. We sat down for a moment, his eyes surfing the room. A dark smile crept up on his face when he looked towards the stairs that went to the VIP area.

  I followed his gaze and there he was, Joey Genovese in the flesh. Michael pulled me up and moved me closer to the stairs, putting me in full view. Genovese’s eyes locked on us; his expression a mix of indescribable feelings. Michael winked his way before dipping me and kissing me passionately. I lost myself in his kiss, my eyes sliding shut, my lips eagerly responding. He pulled me up and winked at me before pulling me towards the main door.

  "Time to go."

  We watched as he spun on his heel and disappeared somewhere upstairs. I turned to Michael with confused eyes, my hand gripping his.

  "He's going to call valet and ask if any of the vehicles are registered to me. The SUV is under my name. He'll tell them to search it and they'll find everything. He'll be discreet and quick about it. He's probably already getting ready to head towards his back exit."

  He guided me towards the nearest bar and ordered two drinks, placing some money on the counter.

  "Is now really the time for cocktails?" I snapped, my eyes anxiously searching the room.

  "Brie. I need you calm, the alcohol is for your nerves. I need you to trust me." He handed the drink to me, his eyes locking on mine. I nodded and sighed, knocking the liquor back quickly; wincing as it burned my throat.

  "Now take a deep breath and listen to me. We're going to go get the SUV, we're going to drive to the hotel. Okay?" he asked calmly, his voice stern as he put his hand on the small of my back. I nodded and let him lead me towards the entrance. He handed the valet his ticket and moments later the SUV was in front of us. Once we were in and out of the casino's parking lot I checked the hotel things. True to Michael's prediction, one of the keys was missing.

  "How did you know?" I said quietly, holding the reservation in my hand.

  "He's cocky. Cocky people do as they please with little concern that their plans will go wrong." He smirked cruelly and took off towards what I could only assume was the hotel.

  Before I knew it we were pulling up in front of the Four Seasons, my eyes widening.

  "This is where you booked our fake room? Why would you spend so much money on a room we aren't using?!" I screeched, my eyes taking in the beautiful building.

  "First of all money isn't an issue. Between the money from both of my parents passing, the restaurant's insurance policy, the money my dad had already saved, and the money I made while running the restaurant—I'm more than comfortable. Secondly, we're going to be staying here for the next two days. We just have a different room," he replied, turning to look at me.

  "We... we are?" I swallowed, trying to keep my excitement down at the prospect of staying in a hotel instead of a basement, no matter how nice the basement was.

  "Yes, Brie.
I've booked you some spa treatments for tomorrow—I hope you don't mind. I just ... I've put you through a lot; I want to make it up to you. We also have a reservation for dessert and drinks tonight, if you wouldn't mind joining me."

  He was commanding me per usual, but there was a hint of hesitation in his voice that was so endearing. I could tell he was concerned that I would run for the hills, with him giving me so much freedom. Even though the idea had crossed my mind, I had no intention. He was clearly trying to make up for his mistakes and I wanted to see this through.

  No, I had to see this through.

  "That's very sweet of you, I'd love to." I smiled. "But what about clothes? I didn't pack anything!"

  "I already have a bag for you in the car, cara mia." He winked and slipped out of the vehicle. He came around to my door and helped me out, handing the keys to the valet waiting by.

  "I'll go back for our bags in a while. First we have to check in and see how the plan is working thus far."

  We headed up the steps and into the lobby, my eyes gliding over the beautiful architecture, furniture, and the lavish decorations. I couldn't believe I was staying here; let along with my captor. It's funny how life ties you to people, bending and twisting your expectations and ideals to fit its surprises. How could I ever have predicted that any of this would have happened just from me working at a gentlemen's club? Genovese, Michael, the kidnapping, our attraction to each other—everything was just one curve ball after another.

  I snapped out of it as Michael finished checking us in. He pulled me towards a set of elevators and pulled me into the first open one, keeping my body close to his side. Once the elevator made it to the top floor he pulled me out and led me towards the last door in the hall. He slid the key in and pushed it open, leading me in.

  The suite was breathtaking. Tiles and plush carpets, its own miniature kitchenette off to the side. The room opened into a beautiful living area with large gray sofas, glass end tables, and a flat screen. Off behind it was a small dining area for two, with a beautiful flower arrangement on the table. Behind it, a patio door that led to a balcony. He smiled, apparently pleased with my reaction.

  "Our room is through that door over there, and attached is the bathroom. It has a hot tub in it," he winked and made his way over to the couch, shrugging out of his jacket. As he loosened his tie we heard a gentle knock at the door.

  "I'll get it," he mumbled before making his way over to the door. He opened it to reveal the bellboy holding our bags. Michael tipped him and took the bags, closing and locking the door after. He set the bags on the table and pulled his laptop out of one of them.

  "Come, Gabriella. Let's see how our plan worked."

  He sat on the couch and spotted the seat next to him. I sat down and watched as he opened his laptop and pulled up a few screens. Within moments a room similar to this one came into display. I could clearly see the bed had been mussed, a bottle of champagne on the table, an overnight bag on the floor. Clearly he had set the room up to make it look as if we had already been there today. On the bed I could see a small rectangular object that looked like an envelope.

  "What's that?" I asked, gesturing towards the screen.

  "I had some of the other pictures of you I took; and the one you suggested from the other night."

  "Oh the one with me in your bed, with the handcuffs?" I blushed a little, the memory still vivid in mind.

  He nodded, his eyes glazing over in lust as he clearly relived the memory as well. We found ourselves lost in our little fantasy until sound started to come from the laptop.

  We both snapped towards it, watching the door open. Genovese was suddenly filling the screen. He closed the door quietly behind him and looked around. Once he searched each room he began to curse to himself, I laughed a little at how easily Michael had predicted his moves, my confidence in him growing.

  Genovese went to the bedroom again and picked up the envelope, pulling it open. We watched as he flicked it open and pieced through the pictures, his hands tightening. He studied them for what seemed like forever, as if he was trying to commit every inch of my skin to memory. The thought caused me to shudder, inching closer to Michael. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we continued to watch, my jaw dropping as Genovese unbuckled his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers.

  "No, he's not really going to do that is he?!"I shrieked, covering my mouth.

  He burst out laughing hysterically as Genovese set my pictures down and began to move his hand over his shaft, cursing under his breath about punishing me.

  "What a fucking creep," I growled, looking away from my laptop.

  "I told you; the guy is one sick fuck." He pulled me closer and buried his face in my hair, breathing in deeply.

  "We can stop watching, Brie. The test was successful." He reached forward and closed the laptop, saving us from the sounds coming from Genovese's lips.

  "Thank god. I was about to throw up." I shuddered, wrapping my arms around my own body.

  "I'm sorry, angel. Let's get changed and relax, we can lie down and watch a movie if you'd like. Your spa appointment is 8:30 tomorrow morning so we should try to get some sleep."

  I nodded in agreement and headed towards the bags. Once I figured out which one was mine I grabbed it and slipped into the bathroom.

  After a quick shower, I had put on the nightgown Michael packed for me. I made our way to the bedroom we shared and climbed onto the bed, laughing when I saw the "Jurassic Park" title screen on the TV.

  "You're such a kid at heart," I teased, sliding in next to him under the sheets.

  "What can I say? It's a good movie." He wrapped an arm around me and sooner than expected, I was fast asleep.


  I woke up the next day around 8 and pulled myself out of Michael's arms. After a quick shower I put on sweat pants and a t-shirt, knowing I would just take them off in the spa anyway. I made my way to the lobby and enjoyed a muffin and an orange juice before signing myself into the spa.

  A sweet, young girl named Leila led me to the first room, gave me a towel to wrap up in and told me to get comfortable on the massage bed. Once she put on the soft music, she left, closing the door behind her. I undressed and wrapped the thick towel around my body before positioning myself face down on the massage bed. I sighed deeply, the wonderful aroma tied with the music lulling me into a wonderful state of relaxation.

  The door opened and I heard soft steps, then the door shut again. I shifted a little to get comfortable and waited to feel Leila's small hands working my back.

  "My my my, Gabriella. You're skin looks even softer then I remember."

  I shot up the second I heard his voice, my hands clinging to the towel that now seemed far too small.

  "Wh-what are you doing in here?" I internally cursed myself for seeming so scared, the tremble in my voice seeming so obvious.

  "Come now, Gabriella. Is that any way to greet your lover?" He moved towards me, a sickening smirk on his face as he reached up and slid his fingers over my cheek. I curled back as if he had burned me, quickly sliding and standing up on the opposite side of the massage bed.

  "Not in your dreams," I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. How was I going to get out of this room with him blocking the door? I eyed the rest of the room, frowning at the lack of escape routes.

  "If you're smart, bambina, you'll skip the theatrics of trying to get out of here. I brought back up in case you were difficult. And according to the schedule book out there that Leila was so nice to let me see, you're scheduled down here until 11. I suppose Michael will be unaware of you missing for quite some time." He winked and made another move towards me. I quickly scurried around him and ran for the door, but he was right; the second I opened it I was met with a tall, suited man. I chewed at my lip and turned back to Genovese, commanding my eyes not to water.

  "Can I at least get dressed?"

  "Of course, my pet. I would hate for anyone else to see you this way." He gestured towards
my pile of clothes and smiled, crossing his arms over his perfectly tailored suit. If he wasn't such a complete lunatic I would admit that he was handsome for his age. However, handsome didn't negate him being a scoundrel, a killer, or a psycho that masturbated to my pictures.

  I inched over towards my clothes and picked them up, looking at him expectantly.

  "Haha, no. I won't be leaving. Go ahead." He watched me, the eagerness evident in his eyes. I growled and turned around, my back to him. I quickly shrugged out of the towel and pulled my panties and sweatpants back on, trying to ignore the groan I heard from behind me. Shuddering, I quickly pulled on my bra and t-shirt. The second my t-shirt fell at my waist his arms were around me, his face in my hair.

  "Gabriella, I'm going to turn you into an obedient, loving comare if it kills me."

  He ran his hands down my stomach to my hips, my teeth clenching together to keep me from screaming. How was Michael ever going to find me? What was going to happen to me?

  He moved his hand to my lower back and guided me out of the room, his suited jockey leading us towards the entrance. Once we were outside he slid me into the back of a SUV similar to Michael's and climbed in beside me.

  "Now, let's discuss a few things. What were you doing with that savage, Russo, letting him take pictures of you that way?" I could hear the anger in his voice, though he did a good job of keeping himself composed.

  "He kidnapped me." I mumbled quietly, not wanting to give him more ammo than he already had. He didn't need to know what kind of feelings I harbored for Michael at this point—hell I hardly knew what to make of the feelings myself.

  "Ahh, of course. Revenge. I'm sorry you got mixed into this, I'll make it up to you." He winked and pulled my hand into his lap, holding it tightly. I turned my face away from him, closing my eyes as a single tear rolled down my face.

  "We must christen our long overdue relationship, my sweet. I will take you to the apartment I have had waiting for you." My eyes widened but I said nothing; I refused to let him get a rise out of me. I would get away one way or another. I would get back to Michael.